Saturday, July 16, 2016

Parking Garage

Let me know your thoughts on the need for a parking garage in Oxford.


  1. Just saw this. Our borough does such a poor job of communicating to residents regarding zoning variance applications and other events. Other municipalities mail those within 500' a notice. Few people subscribe to newspapers anymore, and we do not have a truly local paper to easily obtain information regarding Oxford. Just surfed the Borough website for 15 minutes looking for information about the parking garage and still haven't found it. You have many seniors in the borough who are not tech savvy, and many people who are not of means who may not be monitoring the borough website because of lack of easy access or knowledge regarding technology. Love this town, but we could do better. Was disappointed to see I am the first to comment despite this link being up for almost two months!

  2. I will forward your concern to borough council.

  3. Check this link from the Borough Website
